It happens that the exam is coming up soon, and the person has not yet learned a single paragraph or read a single Chapter from the textbook.

All day long, he does nothing but waste precious time – surfing the Internet, entertaining himself with books and comics, chatting on the phone or playing games. But, time runs inexorably fast, so there is very little time left before the exam itself, so how to prepare for it, where to start?

First of all, you need to encourage interest in the subject. After all, if a person is not interested in this topic or does not like what needs to be learned, then the chances of success are zero. In order for an interest to manifest itself, you need to change your attitude to it or communicate with a person who talks about sines and cosines as poetry, then maybe he will infect another person with his interest.

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The second method used in preparing for the exam is the well-known carrot and stick method. Diligently studying algorithms and theorems, and then rewarding yourself with a favorite thing or a delicious meal did not harm anyone, but only brought benefits.

The third method, which is suitable for people who like to make lists and keep a personal diary, is a completed plan. Everything is banal and simple – write a list of what you need to learn.


Another way to thoroughly learn theory is communication, because there are a lot of people who can not learn exam tickets alone, they constantly need communication, so they perceive the material better. Therefore, for such sociable people, it is necessary to find like-minded people for whom the same goal is set – preparation for the exam.

Another of the most popular methods is to get angry with yourself. There are people in the world who have no greater motivation than to prove to themselves that they are not weaklings. This type of person overcomes difficulties in life very quickly.

The most important thing you need to know and understand is why, in fact, you need to study tickets for exams? Praise and encouragement are good things, of course, but you should think about your inner motives. This can be successful work, personal success, gaining new knowledge and self-realization. Anything.

Therefore, you need to select the most important points for yourself and start preparing for the exam. After all, it depends only on the student how well he will know this subject.

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